Singing Guide: Ell & Nikki

Singing Guide: Ell & Nikki

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Ell & Nikki are two Azerbaijani singers that are known for their beautiful harmonies. If you want to learn how to sing like them, there are a few things you can do.

  • First, it's important to analyze your own voice. Singing Carrots offers a helpful article on how to analyze your voice, which can assist you in identifying what range your voice falls in, as well as other important details that can help as you learn to sing.
  • Next, understanding voice types can also be useful. This article helps break down the differences between voice types and why they're important to know.
  • Breathing is another essential aspect of singing. Understanding active and passive breathing can be helpful as you start to develop your singing technique.
  • Knowing what voice registers are and why they matter can help you develop a better understanding of your own vocal range and how to use it effectively.
  • Breath support is also an important tool to have in your singing arsenal. This article goes into detail about what breath support is and how it can help you improve your singing.
  • Opening your mouth and throat while singing can allow you to take fuller breaths and produce a better sounding result. Learn why opening your mouth and throat while singing is imperative in this article.
  • To learn songs more efficiently, this article delves into the various methods you can use to learn a song effectively.
  • Avoiding vocal constriction is important when singing. This article outlines how to avoid constriction and the importance of proper breath support. View article.
  • Understanding the differences between pop/jazz singing and classical singing can help you identify which musical genre to pursue further. Read more.
  • Singing is not always about perfect technique, but also requires intuition, skill, emotion, and thinking. See how to incorporate all of these elements into your performance in this article.
  • Contemporary vocal techniques such as heavy modal, twang, and belting are also important skills to learn if you're interested in pop and rock music. This article provides insight into these techniques and how to incorporate them into your singing.
  • Vocal distortion and growling can add unique elements to your vocals. This article outlines how to achieve these techniques without damaging your voice.
  • Singing with vibrato can add a rich, unique sound to your vocals. This article details how to achieve this technique.
  • Articulation is important for clear and precise vocals. This article helps break down how to improve your articulation while singing.
  • If you are struggling with singing out of pitch, this article can help troubleshoot the possible causes of this issue.
  • Resonance in singing is when sound waves vibrate inside your body as you sing. This article explains the importance of resonance and how to create it.
  • Finally, one of the best ways to learn to sing like Ell & Nikki is to take care of your voice. Vocal health is critical as a singer, and this article has some helpful tips on how to maintain vocal health.
  • Singing Carrots also offers an educational singing course for beginners that can help lay the foundation for improving your singing skills.

When it comes to actually practicing and improving your singing, vocal range and pitch accuracy tests can help identify areas you need to work on. Singing Carrots offers some helpful tools for this, including:

If you're looking for songs to practice that are similar to the style of Ell & Nikki, Singing Carrots' song search tool can help you find songs that match your vocal range and genre preferences. Additionally, the vocal ranges of famous singers, including Ell & Nikki, can be found on the Singing Carrots site as well.

Finally, if you're putting together a setlist for yourself, Singing Carrots' songbook tool can help you link lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke tracks, and YouTube audio to your performances.

Incorporate the tips and tools mentioned above to develop your singing into something more akin to Ell & Nikki's lovely harmonies.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.